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Your Weekly Stars 4 July 2022

Writer's picture: SaraSara

Find out what the stars have in store for you this week. If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to my website for more information or to book and pay. Over 30 years experience.

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Aries Even though you won’t be able to control everything around you, you will still be able to get a lot accomplished before the week is over. Tuesday is an excellent day for making new plans and resolutions for a healthy future. No matter what it is you need to get rid of – now is the time to be free!

Taurus Mars, planet of energy, enthusiasm and power is moving into your sign on Tuesday. Make the most of the boost to your energy levels by finishing off all the little jobs that have been building up. Communication may take an unexpected turn as new information comes out – changing the way you think.

Gemini Ideas about a new business or side hustle may begin to form this week for some Geminis. You could have several options to consider – each of them has merit but you should follow your heart when deciding as this will guide you to the right answer. There may be some welcome money news.

Cancer Chatty Mercury enters your sign on Tuesday making this a great time for negotiating and making deals. Your communication skills will be fantastic, so any relationship or workplace issues should be discussed now. Money and security issues will be heading in a positive direction.

Leo This is the start of a deep, thoughtful time for you. There is the opportunity to really think about your future and where you would like to be – both physically and emotionally. This may mean leave behind some of the things that were once important to you but are now holding you back.

Virgo This will be a very busy week. Expect to run around like a maniac while trying to talk, text and keep on top of your work schedule and appointments at the same time. By the weekend you will be able to relax, but for singles a last- minute invitation could lead to romance on Saturday night.

Libra A breakthrough in your career may happen this week and things which have either been on hold will finally start to move ahead after Tuesday. Beware of letting off steam about someone behind their back as it is likely to get back to them and cause you embarrassment or worse.

Scorpio The arrival of Mars, planet of energy and anger into your relationship zone on Tuesday may make things interesting for those Scorpios in long term relationships. Channelling the excess energy into a shared project like gardening or DIY is a good solution, as is playing sport or exercising together.

Sagittarius Those Sagittarians with small animals may find themselves at the vets before the week is over. It doesn’t appear to be anything serous – just a mischievous pet doing something (or eating something) that they shouldn’t. A few unexpected expenses may crop up at this time.

Capricorn Tuesday is showing to be the best day to speak your mind and get your ideas across to others, especially loved ones as communicator Mercury moves into your relationship and others zone. Many things that are causing you worry at the moment will sort themselves out in time.

Aquarius Someone may enter your life who will want to change your outlook or liven things up a bit. Enjoy the fun but don’t take it too seriously. Happy social times with friends and family are indicated, with Saturday a great time for enjoying the company of the people you care about and who care about you.

Pisces This is a fantastic week for putting your ideas into action and making progress with your goals. You should have more drive due to the influence of dynamic Mars so get stuck into all those jobs you have been putting off for ages and feel a sense of achievement. A good week for setting boundaries.

I hope you find enjoy this week’s horoscope insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to for more information or to book and pay

I would also like to invite you to join my Member’s Community. When you sign up you will receive a link to my private community online group and a welcome bundle comprising a 20-page e-book with tips to enhance your psychic potential and a relaxation audio immediately. From then on you will receive weekly horoscopes, monthly psychic articles, and my exclusive Members Community Newsletter direct to your inbox. Completely free and no spam. Go to

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Sara, Psychic & Astrology Readings
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

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