Find out what the stars have in store for you this week.
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Aries The communication planet Mercury is moving into your relationship zone on Monday where it will join loving and harmonious Venus, making this a fantastic week for talking things over with others and making plans for your future together. A friend may bring news which helps you to make a decision.
Taurus A good week for your working life and daily routine, especially if you need to get organised and make plans and schedules to keep on top of all your commitments. Some will hear good news about a promotion or similar reward for your past efforts which will make you feel very happy.
Gemini Your energy levels may be running a little low -especially if the demands of your working life conflict with everything you need to do at home or taking care of your family. Singles may receive a message from someone who is romantically interested in you, which will arouse your interest and be intriguing.
Cancer Home and family are highlighted this week as Venus continues to spread her loving magic through your domestic zone. If you have been feeling overburdened lately, you may decide to bring something to an end after Monday – it seems like it isn’t serving you any more and is better off left in the past.
Leo An absolutely fantastic week for communication with others and for making agreements and commitments that will last for a long time. Try to avoid letting minor background irritations get the better of you as it may result in you feeling very stressed. Relaxation and meditation will be invaluable.
Virgo Other people may be draining your enthusiasm and energy with their lack of focus or confusing hot and cold energy. It is best to focus on what is within your control and leave the shared projects etc for another time. There may be some welcome financial news coming to you very soon.
Libra The big communicator Mercury is moving into your sign on Monday bringing with it a gift for getting your ideas across or perhaps just finding the right words at the right time. Take care of your health and be very careful with alcohol and medications as you may be more impacted by the effects than usual.
Scorpio Daydreams of romance and a certain someone may get in the way of your day to day responsibilities but be a pleasant escape – especially if you are single. For others this is an excellent week for making long term commitments around your home and family – for some this will mean buying a home.
Sagittarius An excellent week for getting your ideas down on paper and signing agreements and contracts. Planning for the future and your next stage in life is important right now whatever your age, and if you are sensible and look for a stable and sustainable path you will achieve what is important.
Capricorn Some good news is likely to come your way from authorities or those in a position of power this week, which may allow you to move ahead on one of your ideas. Financially things are looking good with rewards for your past efforts coming to you – especially if you have your own business or side hustle.
Aquarius For some Aquarians, this week will see you finally make the commitment and sign up for some extra study or higher learning. This is likely to have a positive effect on your career further down the track and will also boost your confidence. Not a good week for money -especially where other people are concerned.
Pisces You may be feeling pressured from those around you this week, especially if you are feeling a little low in energy and mood. You may want to hide away from it all and be quiet and peaceful, but it seems that the world and its needs will make this a bit difficult, especially if you are trying to juggle too much.