Find out what the stars have in store for you this week.
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Aries Your career sector is highlighted for the next month by happy and harmonious energies that will attract good fortune to your working life and ambitions. The coming weeks are an excellent time for writing wills and legal documents or for making investments and taking out insurance policies or loans.
Taurus The New Moon in your relationship zone on Friday will help to create a fresh start in existing relationships, while new romances may take an important step towards becoming an established couple. Communication will be easier after Saturday, so leave any big discussions until after then.
Gemini For those Geminis looking for a new job, the New Moon on Friday may help bring the boost you need to make the change. Your stars for your job and working life are very good right now, especially if you make the most of opportunities to take on extra duties and prove what you can do.
Cancer Love and romance planet Venus is entering your relationship zone on Friday, bringing a happy phase of contentment and bliss to your closest partnerships. For singles the New Moon in your social and fun sector could see the start of a fun flirtation which may lead to something much more serious in time.
Leo If you feel that a situation has gone on long enough this is a fantastic week for finally bringing things to an end. Within this ending lies a new beginning which is likely to be even better long term. Your health is coming under happy planetary energies – especially for finding the right doctor.
Virgo Communication could be a bit of a problem this week, especially if you are waiting for news or an important message from someone. The energy shifts after Saturday, so it will be easier talking things over and finding out information after then. Home and family life will be particularly rewarding and enjoyable.
Libra Although you may be anxious and impatient to get a project underway, it is better to wait until the time is right before you take any action. It may be that you are waiting for someone’s approval, or for money to come through. Focus on the things you can control and don’t stress about anything else.
Scorpio The New Moon in your sign on Friday will bring the beginning of a new cycle for you – especially where your sense of self is concerned. Communication and ideas come to the fore as chatty Mercury moves into your sign on Saturday, making this a great time for making decisions and plans for the future.
Sagittarius You are about to enter a positive time in your financial zone as the power to attract good things to you will last for about another month or so. Someone may try to sway you from your principles or values over the weekend, don’t listen to them as you are right to believe the way you do.
Capricorn Loving and beautiful Venus moves into your sign on Friday, bringing harmony, pleasure and luck in love and money matters. One of your friends may become too pushy or argumentative for you and you may want to back off – especially if they want you to get involved in their current feud or argument.
Aquarius Some good news is coming your way this week, possibly from far away. A package or delivery which has been held up may also finally arrive – which will be a relief. A secret crush or flirtation may begin for some Aquarians, although it may not amount to anything it will brighten your spirits.
Pisces The New Moon on Friday will bring a new beginning to your life, especially at an emotional and spiritual level. A great time for leaving the hurts of the past behind and having faith in a better tomorrow. Financially, it looks like you will be able to attract any resources you need – just ask.