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Weekly Psychic Reading: The Queen of Pentacles

Writer's picture: SaraSara
The Queen of Pentacles

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The Queen of Pentacles: Nurturing and Abundance


The Queen of Pentacles is a card that embodies themes of nurturing, abundance, and practicality. It symbolizes a period of nurturing yourself and those around you, cultivating financial stability, and embracing a down-to-earth approach to life. The Queen of Pentacles signifies a time when you are nurturing and providing for yourself and others with practicality and care. It suggests that you are grounded and capable of creating abundance in your life. This card encourages you to focus on cultivating a stable and nurturing environment.


On a spiritual level, the Queen of Pentacles represents the balance between material and spiritual aspects of life. It signifies the importance of grounding your spiritual beliefs into practical actions and nurturing your inner well-being. This card encourages you to find spiritual fulfillment through practical and nurturing practices.



In matters of love, the Queen of Pentacles may indicate a period of nurturing and providing emotional support within a relationship. It suggests the importance of creating a stable and nurturing partnership. This card encourages you to focus on practical expressions of love and care.

Reversed Love

When reversed in love, it may suggest a temporary shift away from nurturing or a need to re-evaluate the stability of the relationship. It signifies the importance of addressing any issues related to care and emotional support. This card emphasizes open communication and creating a nurturing partnership.

Work and Money

In work and financial contexts, the Queen of Pentacles may represent a time when you are focused on cultivating financial stability and providing for your needs. It suggests the importance of practical approaches to your career or financial goals. This card encourages you to invest in your financial well-being.

Reversed Work and Money

When reversed in work and money matters, it may indicate a temporary shift away from practicality or a need to reassess your financial strategies. It signifies the importance of addressing any issues related to financial stability and nurturing your career. This card emphasizes a return to practical and nurturing efforts.


Past, Present, and Future

Past: In the past position, the Queen of Pentacles suggests a history of nurturing yourself and others, creating a stable environment that has influenced your current situation.

Present: In the present, it signifies a time of nurturing, practicality, and creating abundance in your life.

Future: In the future position, it foretells opportunities for continued nurturing, financial stability, and practical approaches, emphasizing the importance of abundance and care.



I hope you find this week’s psychic reading insightful. If you would like a psychic or astrology reading, I offer accurate email psychic and astrology readings which give insight and guidance to empower and support you. I have over 30 years' experience helping people make positive choices, heal, be strong and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Please go to for more information or to book and pay

I would also like to invite you to join my Member’s Community. When you sign up you will immediately receive a link to my private community online group and a welcome bundle comprising a 20-page e-book with tips to enhance your  and a relaxation audio. From then on you will receive weekly horoscopes, monthly psychic articles, and my exclusive Members Community Newsletter direct to your inbox. Completely free and no spam. Go to 

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Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

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