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The Year Ahead 2023

Writer's picture: SaraSara

Find out what the stars have in store for you during 2023.

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Aries You may feel like hiding away at times this year due to the influence of limiting and serious Saturn moving into your subconscious zone in March where it will stay for another two years or so. A great time for digging into the deeper mysteries of life and spirituality and also for re-establishing old friendships or joining a new group. Your hopes and wishes for the future may undergo a transformation.

Love The Solar eclipse on October 14 will highlight your relationship zone and bring happy times. From June through to October, Venus will be going back and forth in your romance zone which could see an old love return to you.

Money Good luck and abundance planet Jupiter blesses your finance zone form May onwards. October’s eclipse brings shared good fortune.

Taurus Unpredictable and freedom loving Uranus continues its progress through your sign all year. This can cause sudden changes and unexpected happenings so stay flexible and be prepared for new opportunities. Abundance and good luck planet, Jupiter moves into your sign mid-May and will bring a happy and optimistic, lucky vibe to your life for the rest of the year. Expect some big changes to your career or public profile.

Love The Lunar eclipse in May happens in your relationship zone and is likely to bring a new beginning to your love life one way or another. For singles, October through to November is the best time for finding new love.

Money April is a high energy money month for you, with late November the best time for applying for loans or payouts.

Gemini This is a big year for those looking to build a bigger career or public profile as you are likely to reap the rewards of all your past work and experience through a new opportunity or promotion. You will still have to stay flexible as sudden change and disruption coming from nowhere will continue for a while longer. For some the idea of relocating or a big trip overseas will be very tempting.

Love The Solar eclipse in mid-October will bring a boost of energy and possibly a touch of Fate to your romantic life. For some this will mean finally meeting ‘the one’, for others this will be a quieter year where you should just focus on the positives.

Money Not the best year for investments or loans, you should wait a while for conditions to improve first. May is your best money month.

Cancer This is a good year for your friendships and relationships with others and also for making at least one of your dreams and wishes for the future come true. October is highlighted for getting something you have always wonted, while April is the best month for career changes or promotions. Overall this year will begin a new phase of peace and calm in your personal relationships and homelife.

Love The last 14 years have been an intense time in your relationship zone and this year is where is all starts to settle down and become peaceful again. January and then December are highlighted for love and romance for all.

Money Your financial zone will have a lot of unstable energy coming and going between June and October so don’t take risks.

Leo Your dealings with all other people will start to become a lot easier and lighter over the coming year. There are positive energies affecting your career zone, although your public profile and reputation will be enhanced whether you work or not. The Lunar eclipse in May will create the opportunity to bring one area of your life to a close and open the door to new opportunities.

Love Big changes and possible upheaval are likely for some Leos, as stable and committed Saturn leaves your relationship zone and intense and transformative Pluto moves in. It may be crunch time for unhappy couples.

Money Not a great year for investments or loans, but very good for savings and unexpected strokes of luck.

Virgo If you have been hoping to make a big transformation to your lifestyle, health, or work then the planetary energies in early part of this year will support you in achieving this. Be disciplined with yourself and look to others for help if you feel yourself sliding back into old habits or patterns. April’s solar eclipse will give a welcome boost for your financial investments and applying for loans.

Love Serious and committed Saturn is moving into your relationship zone this year, making marriage and deep commitments likely – unless you were already thinking of leaving – in which case you will end things.

Money November is your best time for money, although February could see you sharing in some good luck with a loved one.

Libra A big year for getting very serious about your health and also your working life. You are likely to reap what you have sown in the past as far as your health is concerned, but it is never too late to turn things around with some discipline and willpower. The same is true for your work, you can get ahead and possibly get the job of your dreams, if you have put in the effort in preparation.

Love April’s eclipse in your relationship zone will bring a boost of energy to your love life and partnerships. For singles, the arrival of intense and transformative Pluto in your romance zone could bring a life changing crush or new love to you.

Money Late October will bring a new vibe with the eclipse in your financial zone. Shared finances will be alternating up and down.

Scorpio You may feel a lessening of responsibilities to your family or home this year as a lot of pressure is easing off at last. You can end something that has gone on for too long and begin again in a new and authentic way if you choose. Your relationships with others (including friends) are likely to bring about new inspiration and direction if you feel comfortable enough to really open up.

Love Good luck and abundance planet Jupiter is moving into your relationship zone in May, joining unpredictable Uranus who has been there causing changes and upheaval for while now. Positive change and growth are likely.

Money April and most of 2023 is showing to be a great time for loans and investments – and sharing the good fortune of others.

Sagittarius Your health is likely to be a major focus for this year, especially if you are inspired to take control of your exercise and diet and create a new health regime for yourself to follow. You have excellent stars for your daily working life and relationships with your co-workers and superiors alike, possibly leading to promotion or new opportunities for some. Romance is highlighted for older and more mature ladies.

Love April and May are the best times for couples while February is the best for singles with the eclipse on 20 April being excellent for love also. A quieter year for couples who can just relax and enjoy their togetherness.

Money Some of the financial pressure of recent years will begin to ease over this year with true relief coming in 2024.

Capricorn Intense and transformative Pluto has been travelling through your sign since 2008 – bringing a lot of growth but also a lot of upheaval. During March, Pluto will leave your sign for a few months, before returning to Capricorn again until the end of the year. The big message is that the pressure is about to go away and give you chance to enjoy the benefits you have so dearly earned.

Love Late October’s eclipse will bring a big boost of romance to those singles who are looking for love. For couples May through to June will be a happy and loving time, just be careful of jealousy and insecurity causing problems.

Money Good luck planet Jupiter is moving into your luck zone in May for twelve months bringing you good money luck in gambling.

Aquarius Serious and restricting Saturn leaves your sign in March, which will feel like a big weight has been lifted from you. You can expect life to run a bit smoother and more easily -especially if you build on the lessons you have learned over the last couple of years. Pluto enters Aquarius briefly this year – heralding a new phase for you and for the world at large, especially where freedom and innovation are concerned.

Love You may not feel so much like being serious and tied down by love after March, but any happy relationship will last the distance and survive challenges. Romantically June through to October will be a big time for your love life.

Money You will need to budget and act responsibly with money over the next couple of years. If you don’t things will get very tight financially.

Pisces After March things may become a bit limited and restricted for you – although if you can use this time to develop your discipline and structure in life then you will do well and build upon what you have started. Your subconscious zone is going to be highlighted early in the year – so use this time to get inspired and plan your next step, even if it will require more change than you might be ready for just yet.

Love October is the happiest and most loved up time for couples this year, but for those looking to settle down, the next few years are excellent for commitment. May is shaping up to be very positive for those singles looking for romance.

Money Money should flow easily to you (and right back out again) until mid-May, then you will have to budget more.


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Sara, Psychic & Astrology Readings
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

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