Welcome to my psychic reading for the coming month of March 2021. This reading is a general guide to this month’s energies and how to best use them, through the medium of a five card Tarot reading.
To do this I shuffle and spread the Tarot cards and place them in positions relating to the four elements of Earth. Water, Air and Fire, plus a fifth card representing the spiritual essence of the month. Then using my intuition, knowledge and psychic abilities I interpret what these cards mean and give you the reading below.
Card 1. Earth money | work and career | security and stability | physical health | property and houses
The Hierophant
This card is wonderful for doing things the tried and tested ways and for following the rules that keep life running smoothly. Excellent for getting guidance and advice from a wise and trusted financial counsellor or experienced friend to help you find direction. A good time for investments as long as you avoid schemes that are risky or 'out there'.
Card 2. Water emotions | relationships | friendships | family and homelife | moods and intuition
The Sun
This is a fantastic card if you have been going through a rough time as it shows that the worst will soon be over, and the Sun is beginning to shine on you again. Excellent for seeing the bright side of things and for feeling free and full of life and positive energy. A great time for feeling the joy, pleasure and happiness present in the world.
Card 3. Air mind | thoughts | communication | stress and anxiety | messages and documents
Seven of Swords
In the mental sphere of Air, this card can represent misinformation or confusion and deception around something. It may be a simple as misleading advertising, or it could be someone not telling the whole truth to you. A good time to rationally and clearly check in on the path you are on and see if it needs to change in some way.
Card 4. Fire spirituality | positive energy | creativity | psychic insights | inspiration and action.
Ten of Swords
Although an often-difficult card, the Ten of Swords can represent a time where you break free of any old blocks around your spirituality. Often this can be because you have moved ahead of what you once thought to be the right path and now have your own truth. Sometimes there can be pain or a sense of loss that goes with this, but in the end, it will set you free.
Card 5. Essence the overall spiritual energy and message for this month
Ten of Pentacles
This card is wonderful for security, both financial and relationship/emotional. It is excellent for making progress or just good luck in general. Money and the security it brings is indicated, but through an attitude of being grateful of what you have and enjoying the simple pleasures of home and what you have created.
I hope you find this psychic reading useful. If you would like to explore further or have your questions answered through a private email psychic or astrology reading with me, please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information or to book and pay.
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