Find out what the New Moon means for you this month.
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New Moon in Pisces 3 March 2022
Sign: Pisces
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Element: Water
Keyword: I Believe
Affirmation: I am filled with compassion and unconditional love
The New Moon is a time of initiations and beginnings when we are given a chance to make a fresh start, let go and leave the past behind and plant the seeds of our next phase with clarity and intention. This New Moon happens in mystical and dreamy Pisces on 3 March 2022.
What is the energy and focus for a Pisces New Moon?
The New Moon in Pisces is a time where you can make the first steps on your spiritual journey or enter a new phase. Your subconscious is ruled by Pisces as is your spirituality and the Moon’s influence is to unlock the inner world so as you can imagine this can be a powerful time for insight, intuition and psychic flashes.
For others this will be a period where you can become more compassionate or begin to act on your feelings of wanting to help others and the world. This can be very fulfilling in its own way even if the material rewards are few and far between. Opening your heart to the world and all who live in it is another manifestation of this New Moon’s energy.
How the Pisces New Moon will affect each sign
Aries This is a fantastic time for starting the process of bringing a more spiritual dimension to your life. Secret love affairs and crushes will be very tempting for some but are probably left as fantasy.
Taurus A wonderful time for reaching out and making new friends or for joining a group – especially online. A great New Moon for taking the first steps towards making a long-held dream come true.
Gemini This New Moon is fantastic for anyone who wants a new job or even a completely new career direction. Your inner feelings and needs may be more important than a big pay check at the moment.
Cancer Reach out and explore something new during this New Moon. This may happen through meeting someone of a different nationality or belief system who really opens your eyes and mind.
Leo This is a passionate and steamy New Moon for single and coupled up Leo’s alike. If things have been a little stale for a while, this moon will bring the opportunity to reconnect and reunite.
Virgo Your relationship zone is highlighted by this New Moon and for some this can herald the beginning of a new relationship which ends in marriage or deep commitment. A rebirth for couples.
Libra Your health is the focus for this New Moon and if you have been thinking about doing something positive for your overall health, such as exercise or meditation, then these energies will help you along.
Scorpio If you have been feeling as though you may want to express yourself more, this New Moon will bring the opportunity to begin a new creative hobby or pastime. Romance is looking good for singles.
Sagittarius This New Moon is in your zone of beginnings and endings, and you may need to close the door to one thing so that you can give your full focus to something new which is much more interesting.
Capricorn You may find what you are looking for and need right around the corner or within your own neighbourhood. Community and local events and people are where the energy is strongest for you.
Aquarius This New Moon is happening in your zone of finance and money, bringing a fresh new start and opportunities for growth. Your values may undergo something of a change as a result.
Pisces This is your personal new Moon and New Year. A fantastic time for you to plant the seeds for the next twelve month’s growth and make plans for your long-term future. A happy time.
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