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New Moon in Leo 8 August 2021

Writer's picture: SaraSara

Find out what the New Moon means for you this month.

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Sign: Leo

Ruling Planet: The Sun

Element: Fire

Keyword: I will

Affirmation: “I express myself creatively and with courage”

The New Moon is a time of initiations and beginnings when we are given a chance to make a fresh start, let go and leave the past behind and plant the seeds of our next phase with clarity and intention. This New Moon happens in the proud and charismatic, creative sign of Leo on 8 August 2021.

What is the energy and focus for a Leo New Moon?

Ruled by the Sun, Leo energy is strong, radiant, and positive, just like the Sun is to life on Earth. Leadership comes naturally with this sign, and you may find that the time is right for you to take a leadership role within some area of your life – possibly your home. There is a sense of pride in accomplishments and what has been achieved. At its best you will feel proud of being the real you and for expressing yourself with dignity and honour.

Creativity and self-expression are highlighted under a Leo New Moon. Anything artistic where you can release and communicate who you are and how you see your world is emphasized. Opportunities for acting and ‘showing off’ will appeal to many even if it is just enjoying a bit of luxury and feeling pampered by treating yourself to a day spa or indulgent extravagance.

Natural Zodiac Zone

Leo is the ruler of the Fifth House in the Natural Zodiac. This is where you feel pride in your achievements and perhaps those of your children which are also ruled by the Fifth House. This is also the astrological party house where you can let go and dance and sing and just be yourself, preferably in a social setting. Relaxing through hobbies, interests and all recreation including sport and competitive pursuits are highlighted.

Romance, flirting and the initial attraction and sparks flying are found in the Fifth House – separate to the long term and married relationships of the Seventh House. This is where you get to know each other and where you can keep the magic alive later on too. Gambling, risks, lucky breaks and having a go are all emphasized.

Typical Leo New Moon Events

1 Getting in touch with your creativity and perhaps starting a new creative project or hobby that allows you to express yourself.

2 Spending time with children or getting in touch with your inner child and letting go of adult cares and worries

3 Having a lucky streak where things just fall into place and gambling wins are likely and risks pay off.

4 Fall in love, flirt and be romantic. Let your inner light shine and attract others to your radiance and warmth.

Spiritual Practices for the Leo New Moon

To be done during the month of the Leo New Moon.

Unlock Your Creativity Practice.

Your will need:

Pens, pencils, crayons, paints – any art or craft materials you feel drawn to

Paper, adult colouring pages, or books, hobby materials

Take time each day – preferably around half an hour to a full hour – to let your creativity flow through art, craft, or writing – including in your journal.

You don’t have to come up with a masterpiece, it doesn’t have to be ‘good’ and you don’t have to show it to anyone else unless you want to. This is about you tapping into your inner creativity and letting it come out. The more you do this the easier and more flowing it will become.

You need to keep this up until the next New Moon in around four weeks’ time. By then you may find that this quiet, creative time becomes a habit you decide to keep.

Rituals for any New Moon:

1 The New Moon is the best time for starting or launching new routines, diets, businesses, life phase – anything new that you want to last.

2 Write your intentions of what you would like to achieve or work on over the next four weeks of the Moon cycle. Use as a guide for focus during the month and check at the next New Moon how far you have come.

3 Declutter and let go of stuff you no longer need or have outgrown, creating space for new energy to come in.


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Sara, Psychic & Astrology Readings
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

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