Find out what the Full Moon means for you this month.
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Full Moon in Leo 17 February 2022
Sign: Leo
Ruling Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Keyword: Magnetism
Affirmation: “My creative power is a projection of myself”
The Full Moon is a time of fulfillment, nourishment, fertility, and the energies you start at the Full Moon reaching a peak or harvest. This Full Moon happens in the proud and creative sign of Leo on 17 February 2022.
What is the energy and focus for a Leo Full Moon?
Leo is ruled by the Sun which gives all energy and light and is also considered the true self in astrology. During this Full Moon you are likely to receive an opportunity to express who you are and be more of your true self in the world. A very generous sign it may also inspire you to share either your time or resources with others.
This is a time to be confident and proud of your achievements and for all that you stand for. Creativity is not just artistic, it is being able to manifest your ideas into reality, and at this time you may find that one of your projects or ideas comes to fruition, bringing you praise and recognition – a big boost to your confidence and self-esteem.
How the Leo Full Moon will affect each sign
Aries A very lucky Full Moon for Aries as it occurs in your zone of luck and good fortune. A good time to take a little chance on something – especially if it is related to children or your creativity.
Taurus Your family and home life are highlighted by this Full Moon, as is bringing something to an end that has run out of steam. You will feel relieved once it is over and done with so let go and move on.
Gemini Gemini is ruled by chatty planet Mercury, so this Full Moon in your talking, writing and communication zone is going to feel very comfortable. A great time for expressing your thoughts and ideas.
Cancer A wonderful Full Moon for you financially as it brings a burst of energy to your money zone. You may be starting to really reap the rewards of past work and planning so use the resources wisely.
Leo This Full Moon is in your sign and represents a halfway mark through the year where you can assess how the things you began around six months ago are going and decide whether to continue or not.
Virgo Your subconscious and intuitive senses are highlighted during this Full Moon so if you enjoy meditation or other spiritual activities this will be a very productive time. A quiet and relaxing Moon.
Libra This Full Moon is in your networking and groups sector and brings a boost of energy to making connections with people who are on the same wavelength or interested in your hobbies and passions.
Scorpio Your career and public reputation zone are highlighted by this Full Moon, making it a fantastic time for pushing ahead on your goals and ambitions – even if it is just within your community.
Sagittarius With this Full Moon you are being encouraged to look beyond your everyday life and explore the world around you. This can be through travel or by watching programs and reading books and online.
Capricorn Your money and assets that you share with others (including banks and mortgage companies) is the focus of this Full Moon. A fantastic time for reducing or getting rid of debt for peace of mind.
Aquarius Your one-on-one relationships with others are highlighted throughout this Full Moon, making this a great time for celebrating all you have achieved together and all that is yet to come. A peaceful time.
Pisces This Full Moon gives you the opportunity to really work on getting rid of bad habits and replacing them with good ones. This is especially true when it comes to diet, exercise, and a balanced routine.