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New Moon in Cancer 21 July 2020

Writer's picture: SaraSara

Find out what the New Moon in Cancer means for you. If you would like a private email psychic or astrology reading with me please go to my website for more information or to book and pay.

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Sign: Cancer

Ruling Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Key Phrase: I feel

Affirmation: “I am safe, nourished and nurtured”

The New Moon is a time of initiations and beginnings when we are given a chance to make a fresh start, let go, leave the past behind and plant the seeds of our next phase with clarity and intention. This New Moon happens in the caring, nurturing and home-loving sign of Cancer on 21 July 2020.

What is the energy and focus for a Cancer New Moon?

The energy and focus for a Cancer New Moon are all about making new beginnings in the emotions, feelings of safety, nurturing, women, mothers and families in general. The home and all the domestic arts of cooking, nesting and making a safe and loving refuge for all who live there is also highlighted. Female energy especially Mother-Goddess and Divine Female energies are strong at this time, as is all feminine power.

The New Moon brings a chance to make a fresh start in all of these areas. Focusing on your emotional safety and what makes you feel secure, loved and cared for and how you give these things to others is a positive way to use these energies. Be mindful of moodiness and the tendency to go through phases and swings as this is a negative aspect of the Cancer Moon.

Natural Zodiac Zone

Cancer rules the Fourth House in the Natural Zodiac. This is the zone of home, family of origin and the family you create as an adult, your home country, your mother and your childhood and origins. Looking into your family history, tracing your family tree, creating heirlooms and traditions for the future and of course enjoying your house and home, are all excellent manifestations of the Cancer/Fourth House energy

The Fourth House is also the natural place of beginnings and endings which brings an extra power punch to the New Moon theme of ending old cycles and starting new ones. This is a fantastic time for you to let go of old habits and attachments (especially ones that hang over from childhood) and plant seeds in your mind and spirit for a healthy and happy future.

Typical Cancer New Moon Events

1 Becoming a mother or grandmother. Pregnancy, birth and babies all come under the Cancer and Moon influence, as does increasing or establishing your own family.

2 Buying, renovating, decorating or moving to a new home are all likely. It is about making the most of your home space – think comfort.

3 Feeling more emotional and moodier than usual. Life can be a roller-coaster and it may be that your emotional state goes through some ups and downs too.

4 Ending old patterns of feeling that stem from old hurts and childhood trauma. Finding new ways to peace, forgiveness and an emotionally free future.

Spiritual Practices for the Cancer New Moon?

To be done during the night of the Cancer New Moon.

Write the negatives and outworn elements of your emotional, home and family life on a piece of paper with a black pen. You can write a negative feeling like worry about security, or an attachment to someone who is no good for you – it doesn’t matter, anything that negatively impacts on you emotionally that you would like to reduce or remove from your life can be included.

Safely, set fire to the piece of paper (somewhere where it can’t set fire to anything else like on an old plate), and when it has burnt down tip the ashes into a glass of water and mix it in. Then tip the ash/water mix out onto the Earth. This can be your soil in your garden or a pot plant. As you do this visualize all of your troubles washing away to be neutralized by the Earth energy.

Next write positive elements you would like to bring into your emotional, home and family life over the next year on a new piece of paper. Use green or purple if you have it, but it doesn’t really matter. Wrap a coin and some mint leaves (can be from a tea bag) in the paper and then plant it in the garden or pot. As you do this, visualize the spiritual seeds of your intention and wishes growing and becoming healthy and strong. Pour clean water over.

Rituals for any New Moon:

1 The New Moon is the best time for starting or launching new routines, diets, businesses, life phase – anything new that you want to last.

2 Write your intentions of what you would like to achieve or work on over the next four weeks of the Moon cycle. Use as a guide for focus during the month and check at the next New Moon how far you have come.

3 De-clutter and let go of stuff you no longer need or have outgrown, creating space for new energy to come in.


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Sara, Psychic & Astrology Readings
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

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